
Expertus - review of application
Expertus is first and foremost a dedicated software solution to manage information about working papers and published research and in such a way is widely used in Polish libraries and information centers of universities and research institutes. However, its field of application is not limited to this domain. more info
Bibliographic database management software: citations, bibliometrics
Application to working papers and published research databases as well as citation indexes. more info
Bibliography of journals content
Application to databases of references, abstracts and full texts on the given topics; advanced search powered by thesaurus based retrieval engine more info
SPIN - the system of research information flow
The information flow system is an information retrieval system for processing and managing an institutional repository collecting data on research files of an institute. The full version for groupware support and the library version for documentation purposes. more info
Thesaurus management system
A specialized software environment for creation and updating a thesaurus. more info
CDS/ISIS databases on WWW
WWW gateway for CDS/ISIS databases - complete solution for librarians and engine for programmers. more info
CDS/ISIS database migration into SQL standard
Complete migration solution converting CDS/ISIS database into SQL standard more info
CDS/ISIS databases on CD-ROM, DVD, USB flash drives
Search engine for CDS/ISIS information retrieval on portable media. more info
Conversion software into marc-based formats
Specialized solutions for conversion of database files into marc-based format. more info
Conversions from text files into fully searchable databases
Flexible solutions for conversion of text files into fully searchable databases more info
Management and retrieval engines for big text databases
Software solutions to create, edit and manage encyclopedies and dictionaries. more info
Mobile solutions
PDA technology in libraries, business and industry. more info